Meet Sally

Watch as Sally explains all about Your Next Home

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Here are just some of the numerous counties and places, in which Sally has advised and secured properties for her clients. She will also advise you on why some locations are better suited than others.




3 Star Service

Everything you need to arrive at Your Next Home

4 Star Service

Everything you need PLUS some important extras

5 Star Service

Everything you need PLUS everything you could want


Family Mak

We arrived in the UK absolutely relying on Sally to take care of us. She is the one who made our transfer smooth and successful. She found the perfect house in a lovely location with a school my children love. Seeing her at the airport to collect us was a massive relief and the thing I clung to as we made the journey. When we arrived at the house everything was taken care of and I could rest after months of preparation. Do yourself the biggest favour and get Sally - nothing is more important than keeping your family safe and happy.

Rachel Mak

Busy Trevor

I'm way too busy to mess about with looking at the wrong house and trying to find furniture. Sally even put food in our pantry and linen on the beds - what a gal! Literally, all we had to do was unpack clothes and sit down. She made the move to England almost seemless. A friend of mine got caught in a bad contract so, I wanted to avoid that sort of drama and cost for my family.

You'd spend so much more trying to do it yourself (and probably getting it wrong) that it's not worth it. Pay Sally to do it all for's worth it.

Trevor Goodbody (CFO)

Mr & Mrs Forman

My husband and I came from South Africa and, although we were both keen to move, we don't like wasting time or resources on mistakes. It was obvious we wanted someone to do the home-finding for us but we didn't want limits and issues - Sally really is the best. She thought of details we didn't and did things for us we loved like the drive past Windsor castle on the way 'home' from the airport and a large chair for my tall husband.

If you like the best, get Sally and her "My Next Home" service. We're asking her to find our next place because she knows us so well and we trust her integrity.

Alice & Neil Forman

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